A logistic proof that establishes that we may treat astrology as a superstition
I have some good news to share with all of you.
I have been able to find an answer to a question which had been haunting me since long.
The question is, “Can we treat astrology simply as a superstition?”
I have been able to finally, find a logistic proof that establishes that we may treat astrology as a superstition beyond any doubt.
The logistic proof
Here are two questions, to which it does not make any difference how you answer them.
Q1:- Should we believe in Superstitions?
Q2:- Should we believe in Astrology?
Both answers — “Yes” as well as “No”, go well with “Q1” as well as “Q2”.
Suppose I prove that both answers go well with both questions — I hope, you would agree that it should be taken as a strong enough proof to support the view that we may treat astrology as a superstition, without any hesitation.
So let me begin with the question “Q1” — first.
The proof that we may answer in affirmative as well as in negative to the question “Q1”
Just think of the superstition that if we found any crow cawing over the terrace of our house, it implies that some of our relatives are on their way to visit us.
If some guests really drop in — we may give an answer in affirmation.
But even a negative answer if no guest drops in.
So it proves that we may answer this question in affirmative as well as in negative.
Incidentally, the story with the question “Q2” also turns out to be the same as in the case of the question “Q1”.
Here is a prediction that had been made by an astrologer almost three or four months in advance in case of one of my colleagues, which luckily or unluckily, turned to be true in its spirit — word by word.
The prediction made by an astrologer which turned out to be true in spirit — word by word
It so happened that, one day, an astrologer made a call on my friend on some business but while taking leave he announced that his stars forebode that he wouldn’t have any sexual interaction with not only with his wife any longer — maybe, not with even any other woman ever for the whole of his life.
And mind it — it happened about forty years back and that, too, when there was no misunderstanding of any kind between him and his wife.
But it turned out to be a black day for him.
Though he did not take a serious note of this prediction but it beguiled an alarm when on three or four occasions astonishingly, his wife did not behave in a complaisant manner, whenever he sought his wife to extend her willingness.
Rebuffed by such attitude — he started feeling diffident of asking her to have sex with him though he eventually adjusted his mind somehow to such development retrospecting the prediction that had been made by this astrologer.
But as if it was not enough.
As their son grew up to an age of about eight years — he started gnawing whenever he even peeped through the door of his wife’s room.
Looking at the vagarious nature of their son, his wife pleaded with my friend that it would be better if he did not try to enter her room since there was every chance — if he behaved otherwise, their son may even commit suicide.
Naturally, both of them didn’t want any such thing to have happened in their life.
So they resigned themselves to their fate and left everything to take its own course conceding it as a part of their destiny and agreed to go through the ordeal for the rest of their life.
I hope you should not have any doubt — it justifies an affirmative answer to the question “Q2”.
Though, it is true — astrology may boast of the following salient strongholds:
(i) That it takes into account the fact that the houses occupied by the planets, depends on the longitude and the latitude of the place from where we look at them, as shown in the following diagram.
(ii) That if we know which planets should have occupied which houses on the day someone gets born — we can calculate which planets shall occupy which houses after how many days or after how many months or how many years.
It fails to impress us about its credence when we discover that it cracks very heavily upon the mythological beliefs of the land, most of which are — outright outrageous which make up for an equally strong ground that warrants a negative answer to it.
For instance,
· Is it not true that irrespective of what may be our zodiac sign, all of us all over the world, have to stay in a house- arrest to protect ourselves from getting infected with COVID-19?
· Is it not true that whenever there is an earthquake somewhere, it does not relent based on the zodiac signs of people when it razes their houses to the ground?
· Since astrology would have served a useful purpose only if some astrologer should have been able to forewarn all the nations to be on an alert about the likelihood of some deadly pandemic virus going to get spread out of China; don’t you think — we should not pay any heed to astrology since no astrologer ever gave any such hint?
All of the above revelations set a ground for only a negative answer, to the question “Q2”.
Going back to the incident of the prediction quoted by me, it looks as though astrology tells us only about such of the things that may not be within our hands since that a son to have a suicidal tendency should have born to them was not in the hands of neither my friend nor his wife and does not cover the things that are supposed to be well within our control.
Though it shouldn’t have mattered if it wouldn’t have covered only such things that are within our own hands; the fact is — since a lot of things have enormously changed in our life since the day our fore-forefathers should have evolved astrology; it does not cater to even such areas of our life that have got completely metamorphosed which explains why it fell apart in case of forewarning us about the likelihood of the outbreak of the Corona virus.
It does not cover such areas because it could not have been possible for them to have collected relevant statistical data relating to such things as the outbreak of the Corona virus.
The outbreak couldn’t be predicted simply because it was not in vogue to spread such viruses in the form of a biological war during the days when astrology was in its inceptive stage.
Nor did any such religions exist that allow their followers to kill the followers of other religions.
Nor did people use to travel at the speeds as high as 100 or 200 km per hour on the roads.
So, naturally, they couldn’t have collected necessary data related to the road-accidents either or all such things that have crept into our daily life since not much far back.
All such things, naturally, do not fall within the domain of the classical astrology.
According to me — we blame the classical astrology only because we do not know what falls within its domain and what doesn’t fall within its domain.