Subhash Chandra Sawhney
4 min readApr 22, 2017

In order to find out whether it is possible to correlate the timeline of various events that occur in our life with the timeline of the astronomical events that occur in the sky or not let us name the events that take place in our life as A-events and the events that take place in the sky as B-events and try to establish a link between them based on their frequency and probability.

There are many A-events that occur only once in our life.


Let us categorize the type of events that occur in our life and tag them according to their frequency, as follows.

Some events such as marriage or death occur in our life only a finite number of times in the whole life, some occur on a yearly basis, some occur on a monthly basis, some occur on a weekly basis, some on alternate days, some on a daily basis, some on an hourly basis and some even much more frequently — say at the rate of our pulse rate. Since our normal resting heart beat rate depends on our cardiovascular fitness the pulse rate may be even as low as 40 beats a minute for the well-trained athletes but it usually ranges from 60 to 100 for most of the adults, that is within the range of 525,600 to 876,000 beats per year. If we may take 70 years as an average lifespan this count may be of an order of 36,792,000 to 61,320,000. We have to assign the frequency-tag based on the frequency of the events during our life time only not on their “per year frequency”. For instance though we may very easily say that we may get married once during our entire life we can’t ever say — how many times we may get married per year.


The Probability-tag based on the level of the probability of their occurrence on the scale of say, 0 to 1 and number them as A-0001 to A-1000 and as B-0001 to B-1000 respectively with their tags as, say, A-0004(200,0.5) to ensure a systematic analysis. 0004 is the serial number of the event, 200 is the frequency and 0.5 is the probability of its occurrence.


The events like divorce, for instance, may or may not occur at all in most of the cases.

The events like death occur only once in our life. For instance those who may be engineers would have passed out of their engineering colleges once only in their life. Likewise those of us who are doctors would have also passed out of their medical colleges once only but events such as marriage may not occur more than once in most of the cases.

If astrology were to be believed the events that do not occur in our life shall have to be correlated to the events that may not occur at all in the sky such as occurrence of solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse at the same time. The events that may or may not occur in our life shall have to be correlated to the events that may or may not occur in the sky, such as collision of a meteor with the earth and so on.

Now think of the events that may be occurring very often in the sky. Is there any event that may be occurring in the sky at a rate of 525,600 to 876,000 times a year — hopefully, not at all?

We could have relied on astrology if it would have correlated the events that occur in our life at the rate of our pulse rate or may be even more frequently than our pulse rate to the events that also occurred at the same rate at which they occur in our life. We could have relied on astrology if it would have correlated the events that may or may not occur in our life to the events like the collision of a meteor with the earth. We could have relied on astrology if it would have correlated the events that may occur only once in our life to the events that may be occurring only once over a span of say seventy or eighty years, say occurrence of a solar eclipse on a planet that may be revolving around the sun in seventy to eighty years.

But the authors of astrology had not even thought of anything of the sort.


In the sky we can calculate when which events may occur very precisely because we know in how many earth-years all the planets revolve around the sun, in how many years the earth wobbles around its axis, in how many light-years the sun up-heaves and down-heaves above or below the galactic plane of the Milky Way or goes around the galactic centre of the Milky Way galaxy. In other words there is no uncertainty of any sort.

We could have relied on astrology if it would have correlated uncertain A-events to the uncertain B-events — which obviously they hadn’t.

I hope it is clear, whether you should believe in astrology or not. Even though sometimes some astrologers also make such predictions that may startle us but such predictions are only such predictions that we may come back to life even after our death. How many of us are able to come back to life after our death?



Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer,born in year 1939, lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored six books. Website theultimategoalofourlife.in;facebook.com/sawhney.lko