Astrology brings us back to the point from where we started

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
5 min readJun 24, 2019


Really sad!

Astrology has brought us back to the point from where we had started because all the assumptions on which it had been founded have gone wrong.

And if you doubt — you can find it for yourself.

Here is the complete account.

Supposing you go for a walk early in the morning, say, at 6 o’clock for half an hour daily.

Does your going out for a walk at 6 a.m., depend on the clock or, say, on the position of the hours-hand, the minutes-hand and the seconds-hand of the clock standing on your table?

If you extend the same logic to the position of various planets in the sky — you can make up your mind whether what happens in your life depends on the position of the planets in the sky or not.

Actually, the position of the planets in the sky is very much akin to the position of the three hands of an analogue clock.

The way, the hours-hand, the minutes-hand and the seconds-hand are the parts of an analogue-clock — the planets, are a part of what we may call “Stellar Clock”.

The only difference is in the time various hands take to make one round around their dials, as explained below.

(i) While the Seconds-Hand of an analogue clock makes one round around its dial in one minute, the Sun takes 24 hours to make one round around its dial — known as “ecliptic”.

(ii) While the Minutes-Hand of an analogue clock makes one round around its dial in one hour, the Moon takes 29.53 days to make one round around the ecliptic.

(iii) While the Hours-Hand of an analogue clock makes one round around its dial in twelve hours, Mercury takes 88 days to make one round around the ecliptic.

Of course, with one more difference.

The analogue clock has only three hands while the Stellar Clock has as many as nine hands.

Each “astrological planet” serves as a hand of the Stellar Clock.

Here, what I want to emphasize is — basically, both of them are “Clocks” only and the Clocks don’t play any role in determining what we do or what happens in our life depending on the position of their hands.

So, we may say — it falsifies the first assumption “What happens in our life depends on the position of the planets in the sky” made by the stargazers, who evolved astrology.

Much the same way, not only the assumption “What happens in the life of someone under a particular setup of the planets, should happen in case of everybody else also — under the same setup of the planets” is contentious; even the assumption “What may happen in someone’s life can be predicted based on his (or her) Date of the Birth (DOB), Place of the Birth (POB) and the Time of Birth (TOB)” is equally contentious, as explained below.

Looniness of the assumption that everything can be predicted based on DOB, POB and TOB

Actually, the assumption that “Everything that happens in our life can be predicted based on just the Date of Birth (DOB), the Place of Birth (POB) and the Time of Birth (TOB) of a person as portrayed in the following diagram”, is just a misconception.

The fact that despite having identical DOB, identical POB and identical TOB; most of the twins and triplets do not lead identical life — compels astrology to look back into its jumper.

Though we may concede that even though their DOB and POB are same — there is always, a difference of a few seconds or a few minutes in their TOB but what about the life-patterns of the children who may get born to different mothers in different OTs or different Labour Rooms of the same hospital, at the same time?

Astrology has no ready answer to it.

Naturally, it prompts us to look out — whether there should be something else that the astrologers should have missed out.

One of the Possibilities

It is almost certain that the variances in the attitudes and the behaviours of the twins and the triplets can be best accounted for only by agreeing that we don’t inherit just the genes of our parents; we also inherit some soul and all such variances in their life-patterns occur only because they inherit different souls.

The same way, as the inheritance of the genes of the parents, ensures that the physical appearance of the off-springs matches the physical appearance of their parents; inheritance of the souls explains why their attitudes and behaviours do not match the attitudes and behaviours of their parents.

Quite often, the Indian astrologers pretend that the “DOB, POB and TOB” of a person takes care of the “Unsettled [1] Past-life Karmas” of the person whose soul gets grafted in his (or her) body also.

But if this hypothesis would have been true — the life-patterns of the twins and the triplets should have never mismatched.

So, we may say — this hypothesis is self-contradictory.

After having proved that this hypothesis is incorrect, the only option left out for us is to agree that it calls for tagging the following IDs also with the DOB, POB and TOB.

(i) Date of Death (DOD) of the person whose soul gets tagged to our body — the fourth ID

(ii) Place of Death (POD) of the person whose soul gets tagged to our body — the fifth ID

(iii) Time of Death (TOD) of the person whose soul gets tagged to our body — the sixth ID

However, since it is next to impossible to evolve a system of finding out the DOD, POD and TOD of the person whose soul may have been grafted into our body — we arrive at a conclusion that it is not, at all, possible to develop a perfect system of astrology.

In other words — what we so amorously hold in so much regard, is merely a corpse of astrology.

Surely, there are many better things to be done in life than to just bank upon the astrology that counts upon only three IDs — the Date of Birth, the Place of Birth and the Time of Birth.

The best thing, we can do is — gracefully accept that we can’t develop an astrology that may accommodate the fourth, the fifth and the sixth IDs and never look back.

The fact is only our soul knows the DOD, POD and the TOD of the person to whom it should have belonged — none else.

So it brings down the curtain over the show.


[1] Many of our karmas get “Settled” during our own lifetime. For instance, if we join an engineering college; the karmas performed by us in the form of studying there, get “squared up” the day we pass out of the college with a certificate in our hands. Only the “Unsettled Karmas” get carried forward.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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