Asymptotic approach of science toward acknowledging the existence of God and Souls
Since the very beginning, science has been reluctant to admit the existence of any such thing the existence of which can’t be established based on facts.
Though the earliest victims of such criterion were God and the souls — science, by itself, has come very close to acknowledging the existence of even such things the existence of which can’t be established in an orthodox manner.
No doubt, to begin with, it acknowledged the existence of only such things the existence of which could be verified through our sense-organs but, progressively it started acknowledging the existence of even other things in the following order.
(i) The existence of things which couldn’t be verified through our sense-organs but could be confirmed with the help of some specific devices such as telescopes, microscopes, spectroscopes and appliances such as ECG machines, X-ray machines and the like.
(ii) The existence of the things the existence of which may be established only mathematically.
(iii) The existence of the things such as “dark matter” and “dark energy” the existence of which may be established only theoretically, or in plain words — based on “Deductive Reasoning”.
The fact is after having agreed that “dark matter” and “dark energy” should exist because without assuming that such things exist, we can’t explain certain phenomena such as “Why the stars located near the centre of the galaxies also travel at more or less same speed as the stars located near the edges of the galaxies” or “Why the universe is expanding at a rate faster than the rate at which it was expanding a few billions of year back” — science has come to the brink of admitting the existence of even objects such as God and souls the existence of which it had resisted tooth and nail to begin with.
By admitting the existence of invisible “dark matter” and “dark energy” in this manner, science has come very close to admitting that objects such as God and souls should also exist since there are many phenomena which can’t be explained unless we assume that objects such as God and the souls may also exist even though we can’t see either of them.
Does it not already acknowledge the existence of things such as Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Emotions, Intuitions and Thoughts even though we can’t see them either?
Acknowledgement of the existence of dark matter and dark energy amounts to having agreed that for anything to be able to exist, it does not matter whether we can see it or not.
If dark matter and dark energy are invisible, so are God and souls as well — no difference.
Let us look at some phenomena which can be very easily explained if we agree that God and the souls may also be acknowledged to exist.
Some phenomena — which can be very easily explained if we agree that God and the souls also exist
Is it not true that if any Big Bang had occurred, it could have not occurred by itself?
It was just like a “bomb blast” and unless somebody would have built such a bomb, it could have not exploded.
Though we don’t know how it should have been built yet we should not hesitate to admit that we may call such entity which should have built it and should have exploded it “God”.
Similarly, something that makes us believe that souls may also exist is the fact that it is not possible for anybody to tell who may have drowned him or her in a river or in a lake to kill him or her or in some other manner during his or her past life or where he or she used to live during his or her past life unless such information gets recorded on something akin to a USB type of thing which may be getting transplanted into our memory when we get reborn — as had been recorded not only by Dr. Ian Stevenson in many such instances but had been recorded in several cases even during Vedic period, in India.
What is wrong with using the word “Soul” to refer to such USBs?
Though it is difficult to determine whether souls get reincarnated only if somebody dies an unnatural death or in case of natural deaths also, it should not deter science from giving a clean chit to the concept of reincarnation of the souls.
It is safe to believe that souls may be getting reincarnated in the case of even the people who may not die an unnatural death.
So, prima facie, it looks as though the wheel of science has already turned 270° around and in the next few decades, it may reach the same point from where it began its journey, as has been shown in the following diagram.
Though the way we know how we record data on a USB, the real task before science is not just to know whether souls work just like USBs or whether they get transplanted or not — the real task before it is to also find out how the information carried by them gets recorded on them.
The way we know that we record necessary data on our USBs in the binary mode, it would not be easy to find out the mode in which the data picked up by the souls gets recorded on them.
Do you think it may ever be possible for science to figure out the mode in which the data picked up by the souls gets recorded on them?