It is Climate Change that needs our attention more than teaching a lesson to China
Just have a look at the following picture.
It is just one of such pictures.
You would find hundreds of such pictures that show what havoc the floods have unleashed.
Who is responsible for such havoc — the floods?
And who is responsible for the floods — the Climate Change?
And who is responsible for the Climate Change — the man, himself; isn’t it?
Then — why shirk?
Let us own the responsibility.
Something is happening very much under our nose and we don’t mind it.
Look at how much oxygen is consumed in the process and how much heat is generated by the plumes of the burning fuel when a satellite is launched.
Where does all such heat go?
It remains in the atmosphere and the sky and, finally, changes the climate.
Is anybody going to stop launching the satellites, more and more by number, day by day — nobody, isn’t it?
Then, why worry?
Why repent?
May be, Nature is giving us a message through such floods — “Keep the temperature-rise under control if you don’t want me to step in.”
We get in return — every action of ours.
That is the law of Nature.
We can’t change the law.
So, we have to bear the consequences in the form of the floods which is, in the end, going to raise the sea-level.
And what is going to happen when the sea-level rises by another meter or so?
The sea level has been rising ever since and it has been eating away large chunks of the land-cover of the Earth, by and by.
We can’t help it.
But it does not bar us from thinking about what steps we may take to counter the change.
Should we let floods cast such havoc so occasionally as have become a common lore, these days?
Though we may get some relief by relocating the houses at a higher level as shown in the following diagram but — to what extent?
The rainwater that has fallen is nothing less than a down-pour of a big ocean.
No such solution is going to help us much.
It would be only just like “a cumin-seed in the mouth of a camel”, as the famous Indian proverb goes — at the most.
So, the time has come — we wake up before it is too late.
Why diseases such as Covid19 are creating such a scare?
Is meat-eating not responsible for it?
To eat meat, we have to butcher animals?
How long shall we keep on butchering the animals?
Is it not better — we switch over to vegetarian food habits?
Who prevents us?
There is nothing that may be impossible.
All we need is a strong will to bring in a big change in our lifestyle.
So, guys — let us not wait till the day, Allah holds the last-day meeting of all the people who have left the Earth permanently.
Let us work out a plan collectively at a global level and stick to it.
Not a nuclear war — it is the climate change that is going to take a severer toll of life.
So, let us re-wind ourselves to solve the problem of climate change, first.
China should also think about it.