Limitations of Mainstream Science pave way for a New Genre of Science
It looks, as though the mainstream science has reached a breakeven point and we need a new genre of science to look into the areas that do not fall within the crosshairs of the present genre of science.
For instance, as discovered by Dr Rollin McCraty, an electromagnetic field of the type such as is shown below surrounds our heart.
He claims to have discovered that not only the amplitude of this field, as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG), is about 60 times greater than the amplitude of the brain-waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG) but even that — its magnetic component can be measured several feet away from the body with the Superconductivity Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) based magnetometers and that the electromagnetic fields generated by the heart may carry information just like “radio waves” [1] based on the research conducted by him at the HeartMath Institute, California.
No doubt the very mention of the ECG, EEG and SQUID makes us feel comfortable about the existence of any such electromagnetic field that our heart may be having around it, it all the more makes us aware of the fact that the present-day science believes only in the things the physical existence of which may be ascertained through the types of testing equipment, we have been able to develop.
So, the scope of any new thing that may be discovered is largely constrained by the types of diagnostic equipment, we have been able to develop.
But can we turn a blind eye to the existence of such things as follows, for which, we have not been able to develop the appropriate types of diagnostic equipment yet?
For instance, though things such as the “neutrino” and the “muon” very much fall within the crosshairs of science, there are so many things that appear to exist logistically that do not fall within the crosshairs of the science.
This raises a question whether we can divide everything into two parts — “the things that fall within the crosshairs of science” and “the things that do not fall within the crosshairs of the science”?
And, if so, it raises yet one more question — Does it imply that the things that are not covered by the mainstream science are supposed to be covered by yet some other genre of science that could be named as “Second Tier Science” or, maybe, “Parallel Science”?
You must be wondering what sort of things we are talking about.
The types of things that do not fall within the crosshairs of the mainstream-science are such of the things that are narrated below.
(i) Transfer of fears from one generation to the next generation
Let us have a look at the experiment that had been done on some of the male mice by conditioning them every day since their birth to the fear the scent of cherry blossoms by vibrating the floor while releasing the scent of cherry blossoms into their habitat until the mice would react in fear just to the scent of cherry blossoms alone, narrated by Catherine Hurst in her video “Manifest The Life You Really Want” [2] related to the “Law of Attraction”.
Next these mice were, then, bred with the female mice that were not a part of the cherry blossom experiment — only to get stunned to observe that their offsprings had the same terrified reaction to the smell of cherry blossoms that their fathers had even though they never felt the floor vibrate in their lives, not even once and that this fear was passed on by them even to their as many as the next six generations, in a go.
It led them to conclude that a fear can be passed on to the next generations from the parents to their children, who may experience the same fear without ever knowing why.
But ask any scientist whether he considers the proof that any such thing may be possible as a valid proof?
The trouble with the present-day science is in its perception as to what may be called a “valid proof” and what may not be called a “valid proof”.
Does this experiment not prove that it is not necessary that only such things may be interconnected that appear to be physically interconnected?
Surely, we may call the present-day science as a science of only the “First part of the things”, not the “Second part of the things”.
The present-day science holds apiece only the existence of things such as X-rays, Alpha-rays, subatomic particles — even bacteria and viruses but it does not believe whether souls also exist or any such things they are not able to clinch a physical proof of their existence, also exist.
A physical proof can be provided only for the things that have a physical existence. What about the things, such as fears?
It is not clear, what sort of proof does the present-day science expects to be provided for the things such as passing on of the fear from a parent to his children?
Let us look at some other things of the same type such as the dreams, we see when we are fast asleep.
If you tell a scientist that you had seen a dream last night, would he not ask you to give a proof of what you may have seen in the dream?
But as you know, there are two reasons — why you can’t furnish any proof to establish what you should have seen in your dream.
One — when you see a dream, only you alone may see it. Even the persons sleeping by your side can’t see it. So, you can’t produce any eye-witness that would have let them believe your story.
Two — you couldn’t have video-graphed the dream you would have claimed to have seen as a proof of what you may have seen in the dream.
What can be more amusing than the fact that since dreams do not have a physical existence — they fly out of the domain of the “present-day science” even though even the scientists, themselves, also see dreams?
This, obviously, tells us that there has to be yet one more type of science that covers the things that do not have a physical existence.
Here are some more things that don’t form a part of the present-day science.
(ii) The creation of something of the type of “cobra venom” in the human body
Just think about the following case — the case of a person having died, thinking that a cobra should have stung him even though he was only told that a cobra was going to sting him. No cobra ever stung him. It had been touted that he did not die just out of the fear of the Cobra — during his post mortem, it was found that something similar to the cobra venom had got generated in his body.
In the USA, when a court pronounced a punishment of death to a prisoner, a group of scientists were allowed to conduct an experiment of killing him by getting him stung by a cobra instead of hanging him. These scientists tied his both hands, brought a cobra in front of him; covered his head with a black head-cloak so that he could have not seen the cobra biting him.
But instead of letting the cobra bite him, they just stung him by two safety pins.
But to everybody’s big surprise, the man died within a few minutes thereafter under the obsession that the cobra had stung him.
When they conducted his post mortem, they discovered some poison of the same type as the cobra poison in his body around the place where he had been stung with the safety pins, which demonstrated that it is not necessary that we may die simply out of shock, our mind can also create a real poison in our body if we have an obsession that we are going to get stung by a cobra.
Though I am not sure whether he died just out of fear but if there is any truth in this incident it clearly sets a ground for the existence of a parallel science.
The case of the existence of souls is also not much different.
(iii) The existence of the souls
The scientists are so rigid about their fundamentals that they decline to admit the existence of the souls even though their existence gets supported by an argument that unless souls may be transferring the memory of the past life into the mind of the newborns, how else do we explain such a phenomenon that so many children are able to tell about their past life in such graphical details even though they may not have ever re-visited the place where they may have been living during their past life.
The tragedy with them is — they do not give credence to any arguments irrespective of how convincing, they may be.
Obviously — “their science” relates to only the things the physical existence of which can be established, nothing else.
Don’t you think they can develop diagnostic types of equipment only for the things that physically exist, not the things such as dreams or the souls — to validate the existence of which, only “Logistic Proofs” can be provided?
Do you expect, the present-day science may ever be able to lay hands on the type of wherewithal it shall require to be able to discover the “mechanisms” that ensure the passage of fears from one generation to the next generation, evolution of the like of cobra venom in human body or the transfer of the memories of the past life to any newborns?
Such things can’t be discovered by pursuing the policy of insisting on capturing physical proofs.
It calls for the evolution of a new genre of science that shall be content with the logistical proofs, instead of physical proofs — the “Second Tier Science” or what we may, as well, also call “Parallel Science”.