So surprising that we should even bother to know if there has to be a God — why we can’t see him
Luckily, it happens to be the happiest day of my life — today.
And shall I tell you — why?
Surely, it is worth sharing my happiness with you.
For the whole of my life, I have been wondering why people have been at all bothering to know — Does God exist.
If he exists — How does he look like?
It occurred to me today — when we board a plane, how many of us ever bother to know how the facade of the workshop where it should have been assembled, may look like?
Or whether it was assembled in Toulouse, Seville, Montreal or Hamburg?
All of us just get into it, make our journey without ever bothering to know the location of the workshop where it should have got assembled.
Nobody bothers to even think — who should have designed it.
Everybody is happy just to know that it would carry them from the place where they boarded and would take them to their destination.
If that be the case with an aeroplane, I am taken by surprise why do we want to know who should have drawn the drawings of all the creatures or visualize how they shall look like and how big they shall be, how they shall bear their offspring and all such things about them such as — how the males shall have male organs and the females shall have the female organs.
Even if we knew who should have designed the first aeroplane — we know, he is no more alive.
So a question of seeing him or finding out where he lives — makes no sense.
I bet if even someone who works in the Airbus Company may tell you the name of the engineer who should have designed the first Airbus.
Surely, it shouldn’t have been just — one-man affair.
It should have a full team of several engineers who should have been put on the task.
Besides it — it should have passed through several stages of evolution.
It gave me great relief to have figured out that it should be ridiculous to expect that someone should be in a position to tell us if God should have headed the team of the experts engaged by him for this job — where he lived, how long his team may have taken or how he should have looked like?
I hope it removes the bog from our mind about God.
Certainly, millions of bioengineers should have been engaged by God for this job.
It is also certain that the evolution of the anatomies should have passed through a series of trials.
It takes us down to square up the matter — better we mind our business of doing things that fall within our domain right rather than bothering about issues such as “Whether God exists?” or things such as, “If he exists, why are we not able to see him?”
An analogy that makes us — look like big fools when raise queries about the identity of the God
Just think how we come to know — who are our father and mother.
We may, at the best, only know that they are husband and wife by looking at their marriage-albums or is there anything more to it?
Though we know “who are our parents” — do we ever doubt whether they may be bluffing us?
Just to have the hang of it, to know what the internet has to tell us about to whom the necessity of having a male and a female variety of all creatures for the procreation of all species should have occurred, the first, I entered a query on the Google, the next day.
Though my computer did not hang — it, anyway, left me blinking.
What I want to emphasise in this context is the fact that we don’t get an answer on the internet only because nobody has entered an answer to such questions on any website.
This incidentally, makes us aware of another fact.
Supposing even the souls which may be waiting for their turn to get reincarnated may be chatting with each other on some sort of internet of their own, using some Google-type of query-system it may not be possible even for them to search for an answer to this query on their internet for the same reason that this information should have become an information of dark ages even upon their internet.
So the only choice we have is just to relax and be happy to enjoy our ride on the earth (the same way as we enjoy our ride on a plane), which is also a sort of aeroplane (more precisely, a sort of Space Station like International Space Station) only that flies us in the space — that, too, on free.
We don’t have to buy any tickets to have a ride on the earth, as we buy for the planes.
So we may say — we don’t have to get bamboozled about how God looks like or why we are not able to see him.
Nor it makes sense to make a helluva of it.
Actually, a ride on the earth is far more hilarious than a ride on the International Space Station.
Unlike earth which is situated in a Heliocentric Orbit — the International Space Station is situated only in a Geocentric Orbit.
If we agree that the design of the anatomies of all creatures should be an artefact of the bioengineers of the God; the only possibility we have in sight is the possibility of some of the souls, who may have been well-versed with “bioengineering” should have been continuously at work.
The fact is — though we have strong evidence of the existence of the souls since none else but the souls only must be installing the memory of the dead people (in whom they should have resided in the past) into the brain of the new-borns at the time of reincarnation; even though we have unravelled the mysteries surrounding almost everything else — the mysteries surrounding the souls are still like a “virgin island” for the science since it has not been explored by it yet.