Some proofs of existence of an out-of-the-board internet — we shouldn’t scoff at

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
5 min readApr 23, 2019


Is it not a fact that science can accredit the existence of only such things the existence of which can be validated through the instruments they have at their disposal?

It very loudly suggests that what the science may accredit the existence of, is constrained mainly by the type of instruments it has at its disposal not so much on whether something really exists or not.

For instance take the case of the child who could settle even very intriguing family disputes amicably as the story goes about him — narrated below.

The story related to an Indian emperor of Gupta dynasty

In one of the books that had been prescribed during our days as a textbook, I remember to have read the story of a child who had become very famous because he could pass very uncanny judgements to settle domestic disputes of most of the people of his village; when I should have been hardly ten years old.

Surprised by his such God-given gift, the villagers thought of digging up the hill-top where he used to sit to pass such judgements and they came up with the throne of the emperor which laid buried-down at that place, as far as my memory goes — belonging to Samudragupta (r. c. 335/350–375 CE), who was well known for his extraordinary power of passing such exceptional judgements.

Can science ever develop any instruments that could enable it to ascertain how the throne could have empowered this child in such an unimaginable way that may chill the bones?

Very unlikely, according to me!

So we may construe — it does not make any sense for us to believe that we may take the science on its words regarding what exists and what does not exist.

Here is one more such case that also suggests, to do not take science by its word.

The story narrated by Mo Whyte on her Facebook page “Parenting for the evolving generations”

She tells that on July 14th 2007, when she reported that something had left her body the doctors of the hospital where she had been admitted diagnosed that she was bipolar.

But she proved all of them wrong by making a 250 slide presentation with music and releasing it even on the internet in November 2015 — more so by having been able to have written four books within eight weeks about which she gives a breathtaking account in the following words.

“I believe the universe had given me a message to share, there is no other logical answer as to why I was guided to create my video on Vimeo and then write four books within eight weeks. I have shared my work here and there in the hope that at least one person can explain to me why I was given this work, what it means or at least confirm that this is no ordinary story and that I am not mad.

“You know like the people that wake up one day and suddenly know how to play the piano?

“It’s kind of like that because when I started it, I had never done anything like this before, had no idea how to do slide timings or add music clips. It just all ‘came to me’ but how?”

And as if, that should be all about it.

I endorse her that there is something that helps us the way — so many quaint ideas flew into my mind, I don’t even know — from where; while writing as many as 34 articles for “The Minds Journal” in a spree.

Whenever I scrambled for some word, the sought-after word would pop up in my mind just from nowhere even though I may have never heard of it in the near past as if the soul of some professor must have been sitting by my side to help me at most of such occasions.

Though, I used to always crosscheck them on the internet.

But can you tell me — whose soul it should have been?

Though Mo Whyte emphasizes that there is a difference in being a spiritualist and being a maniac, it gives me also a feeling that there is a universe besides the universe we breathe in much the same way as she got such a feeling.

The other universe is, perhaps, the binary form of our universe.

If we may call our universe as the binary “1 bit”, the other universe is, perhaps, the “0 bit” of it.

I feel as though there has to be even a binary internet similar to the one we use every day in our life. Let us call it “off-the-board internet”.

In all likelihood it looks, as though, all the thoughts that should have flown out of the minds of various thinkers who did not (or could not) jot down such of their thoughts did not get swiped out.

All of them have subsisted on what I call “off-the-board internet which seems to have been evolved by the souls which stay idle waiting for their turn to get reincarnated and they alone may be using this internet.

Quite possibly, not only me, even she must have been helped out by her soul only to pump into her mind the type of thoughts she should have been able to express in her books to do not call spiritualism as a sign of bipolarity.

To access our internet we need at least a smartphone but you won’t believe — we already have been provided with the like of smartphone we use, within our brain that lets us access this off-the-board internet.

Though we may not be fully aware of such an internet, this type of internet happens to be much older than our internet. It existed even when our internet had not seen daylight yet.

We don’t need a separate smartphone to access it. We were provided with a smartphone to access this internet when we got born just as we were born with eyes and ears.

Of course, God doesn’t seem to have keen to have told us — how to use it. So only such people, who learn the technique of using it may be able to use it.

Though I don’t believe that we can ever take a photograph of a soul the way we take a photograph of any other thing, it should raise the eyebrows of anybody to give cognition to the possibility of somebody, having taken the following photograph of the souls taking a retreat at the time of the death of someone which is claimed to have been taken by the Russian scientist Konstantin G Korotkov using a bio-electrographic camera using what is known as “Gas Discharge Visualization” technique of photography.

Departure of Soul

As we know, souls don’t have any shape. But this photograph shows the souls assuming some specific shapes.

So, it is doubtful that the GDV cameras the Russian scientist claims to have evolved may really be thought to give realistic pictures as is being claimed by him.

Nevertheless, we have to believe that for something to exist it should not be a criterion whether we can validate its existence on any of the available instruments or not.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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