The facts that belie the Theory of Karmas
There are many ways of finding out what may be true and what may be false.
For instance, look at the following three types of cases.
(1) Physical things that can be measured straightaway
Supposing, we want to know whether the circumference of a circle measures “two pi” times its “radius” or not; we can just calculate the circumference of a circle from its radius and verify whether the circumference of a circle measures “two pi” times its “radius” or not by measuring the circumference — so simple.
(2) Physical things that can’t be measured straightaway
For such things, we can develop some contraption such as the one shown below; Henry Cavendish had developed to measure the Gravitational constant G.
(3) Nonphysical things such as the memories of past life
For such things, we can collect such pieces of evidences related to them as Dr Ian Stevenson had collected to find out that the memories of our life do not die when we die. He collected lots of evidences that proved it to be true by interviewing the persons who claimed that they remembered everything related to their past life even though they had never visited such places ever in their current life and, then, by visiting such places himself to check whether they were right or not to have confirmed that such a thing could have not been possible unless our souls carried away our memories when we die; preserve them till they get reincarnated and replant them in the minds of the “nascencees” (the next persons to be adopted by them).
We can even cross-check the truth of such revelations through such videos as, which shows a six-year-old child talking like an expert pilot to a pilot sitting by his side in the cockpit of the Etihad Airlines.
This is not the lone video of this type. We have quite a good number of them that should convince even the most diehard type of people that reincarnation is not any claptrap.
But the fact is, we can’t verify the truth of all nonphysical things in this manner.
For instance, we can’t verify the truth of the “Theory of Karmas” which wants us to believe that if we don’t reap the fruits of any of our karmas in our present life; such karmas get carried forward and we reap their fruits when we are reborn.
Arguments that belie this theory
Some of the arguments that vilify this theory are:
(i) It would have been much better if as much labour the proponents of this theory should have put to have pronounced this theory, they would have engaged themselves on finding out what sort of karmas people like, say, Donald Trump should have performed in their past life that enable them to become the President of their country or Narendra Damodardas Modi should have performed in their past life that enable them to become the PM of their country so that everybody strive to perform such karmas to become the President or the Prime Minister of their country instead of burning midnight oil to clear the competitive exams such a NEET in India, to become eligible to get a seat in a Medical College.
If they would have found out what sort of karmas we should perform to become the President or the Prime Minister of our country when we are reborn — by now, the same would have also become a part of the curriculums of the schools all around the world, since long.
(ii) While we can believe that the memories of past life could be carried forward by the souls, it is very unlikely that even the “past-life karmas” could be carried forward.
So far as I can visualize, such a thing can’t be possible unless the souls could calculate the “types of things going to happen in the life according to astrology” and the “types of the things supposed to happen in the life according to the past-life karmas performed by their precedent hosts” may conform to each other in case of the nascencees born on which date, at which time and at which place, under which Zodiac Sign to check out — which nascensees may be their next targets.
Transfer of past-life karmas is possible only if we believe — the souls may have sufficient knowledge of astrology.