The new research that has opened doors to believe how human beings should have come into existence

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
7 min readMar 9, 2020


Even if the first batch of the human beings that should have come into existence may have known how they should have come into existence, sure enough, even if they would have tried to record what they may have known about their evolution — all such records would have become extinct even otherwise, by now.

If we assume that we are a diminutive form of the giant-sized dinosaurs — it is, by itself, a big surprise how they should have come into existence.

Little do we know if some aliens should have left them behind on the earth which should have grown so big in the size just to get adapted to the environment specific to our planet instead of the planet to which they should have belonged?

Nor do we know whether they, too, should have grown from some sort of amoeba or some sort of larva only the same way as Laura Geggel has promulgated in her article that the discovery of a billion-year-old sea-algae gives us a hint that such sea-weeds could be an ancestor of all types of the shrubs, all types of the plants and all types of the trees that grow on the earth as projected in the following image.

An illustration of how Proterocladus antiquus likely appeared 1 billion years ago. (Credit: Dinghua Yang; Tang et al., Nature Ecology and Evolution)

As we know — the earth was just a fiery ball, to begin with.

So no plants could have grown on it during its initial stages.

But it is very unlikely if any aliens could have left behind the seeds of million types of the plants that grow on our planet.

So they ought to have got evolved locally on the earth itself and by the same logic even more than a million types of creatures we have on the earth, too, should have grown up on the soil of our own planet only — the same way.

But when such possibility crosses our mind we, at once, get alarmed — how an amoeba or any larva could have even thought, say, in case of the human beings — where we should have had our shoulders, where we should have had our knees or legs or our eyes, our ears, our nose or heart or liver — let alone, how our nervous system should work or how all other systems of our body should work?

However, since so many types of creatures that inhabit on the earth should have not arrived from anywhere else on the earth — we are left with no other possibility in sight except that they ought to have grown-up out of some amoeba or some larva only the same way as all types of plants are premised to have grown out of some algae.

We get over any apprehension we may have about such a premise even if we try to figure out how all sorts of elements that decorate the periodic table should have come into existence.

The manner in which all sorts of elements that decorate the periodic table should have come into existence

Do you think somebody should have conglomerated their electrons — electron by electron or the protons — proton by proton or the neutrons — neutron by neutron, for them?

We know — all the electrons, all the protons and all the neutrons should have got clumped-up together by themselves, as the fiery ball of the molten magma of the earth should have cooled down, a part of it in the form of gold; a part of it in the form of rocks and a part of it into all organic and inorganic stuff, we have on the earth.

So we get a clear-cut clue that we need not be very stingy about the scope of all creatures having also got evolved from some amoeba or some larva only.

Even the fact that caterpillars get transformed into butterflies –lends support to such a view.

More so, since a research carried out by a Russian team of scientists as elaborated at has proved that the DNAs can be reprogrammed by using different words that give us a clue about the possibility of how all sorts of creatures should have come into existence.

The fact that the DNAs can be re-programmed by the sounds produced when we utter such words draws our attention toward the possibility of there may be something unique about the way the Russian words are spoken that should have made it possible only for the Russian scientists to have been able to have carried out such research.

This team has been able to establish that the part of the DNA thought to be junk by the others is actually — not a junk.

Therefore, it compels us to find out what may be so special about the Russian language that should have led only the Russian Scientists to have been able to conduct such research.

Examining whether there should be something very special about the Russian language

Actually Russian is a language that resembles Sanskrit in the way the words of both languages are spelt.

In both languages, we don’t have to remember the spellings of the words because we spell them based on the sound produced by them.

If we talk of English, most of the time, the pronunciation of the words does not depend on the spellings of the words.

For instance — take the case of the word “guava”. When we speak the word “guava” both alphabets “u” and “v”, produce the same type of sound though “u”, as an alphabet, is pronounced the same way as the word “you” and the “v”, as an alphabet, is pronounced the same way as the word “we”.

But in Sanskrit, it is not so because the spelling of each word depends, 100 per cent, on the sound produced by it when we read it.

It leads us to a conclusion that, perhaps, in the Russian language also words are structured the same way as in Sanskrit.

So it looks as though Russian is a close cousin of the Sanskrit in this respect, in which, even the alphabet consists of such subsets as the subset of the alphabets Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha and Ma, all of which are pronounced by touching different locations of the upper lip with the lower lip and the other subsets are also vocalized by using other parts of the mouth, in the same manner.

Nor are any portions of any word silent in Sanskrit as in English.

Though not on DNAs; but the people who used to speak Sanskrit could have studied what effect the sounds produced when we spoke various words have on our mind or on our nerves which quite resembles the research reported by this team of scientists.

Actually based on the effect the sounds produced when we spoke various words had on our nerves (known as “tantras”, in Sanskrit) — the people who spoke in Sanskrit had been able to even design what we know as “Mantras”.

Though such research could have been done even in English, it can’t be denied that English can’t vie with the languages that outclass it in this respect.

It explains why Russians took a lead in researching the effect of the sounds produced when we speak various words, on our DNA.

Whatever may have been the reason — we can’t deny that this research joins some dots that had been left un-joined by Charles Robert Darwin and his all successors researching on genomics.

What has emerged through the research done by the Russian scientists on the possibility of re-programmability of the DNAs by using different sound frequencies, clearly suggests that though it does not matter in which language we may write a programme that has to be run on a computer (since the computer-programmes work based on the texts of the words in which we write such programmes, not the sounds produced when we speak them), we may write the programmes to re-programme the genes only in a phonetic language such as Russian or Sanskrit — much better.

So we have a reason to believe that all sorts of the sounds that could have been heard on the earth seem to have reprogrammed the DNAs of some amoeba or some larva to the DNAs of all the creatures as the earth should have cooled down.

Though it is a different issue in which language we write the programmes for the computers, it is clear that reprogramming the DNAs has to be done by using either the sound-waves produced by uttering various words or by using various instruments we use to produce all types of sounds.

Maybe — when the male spermatozoon pierces a female ovum to fertilize it, the spermatozoon does not simply create the diploid cell, it even writes on it a program to tell it what sort of cells it has to generate and once such cells get created they also do not just generate the next cells.

They, too, write such programmes on the nuclei of the cells created by them and this process continues unabated till the diploid cell does not grow into a full-size human body?

But, if so — obviously, it should have required the genomes to have developed trillions of such programs.

Let us hope, someday, we succeed to create an altogether new species of some creature by reprogramming some of the genomes.

The day we reach such stage — we would come to know that there was not much of difference in the nannies telling the kids that storks brought the babies from the heaven and our ancestors telling us that Allah should have taken six days (each day measuring 50000 earth-years) to create the universe or it should have been created by Brahma out of a golden egg.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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