The reason why even unanticipated things keep on happening in our life

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
4 min readOct 9, 2019


According to me, curiosity is the fountain-head of all discoveries.

We would have not been able to learn anything new in our lives had we not been curious enough to continuously update our knowledge.

For instance, take the case of astronomy.

Have we not made all the progress in astronomy only because of our curiosity to know more and more about what lies beyond our solar system?

No wonder, the ideas of the Existence of the Souls and the Theory of Karmas would have also not struck us had we not been curious to know things such as — how is it, so many things, we don’t even anticipate to happen also keep on happening in our life?

The fact is — even our Vedic ancestors were quite obsessed to know why so many times unanticipated things also keep on happening in our life.

And would you like to know — what answer they found out?

They linked such events to our “Past-life Karmas” and what they termed as our “Prarabdha”.

Though, by and large, everybody knows what is meant by the “Past-life Karmas”; everybody is not much familiar with the term “Prarabdha”.

So, let us make it clear — what does this term stand for.

Meaning of the term Prarabdha

Our Vedic ancestors believed that two types of things happen in our life — “the things we may anticipate” and “the things we are not able to anticipate”.

According to them — the unanticipated things occur in our life by virtue of our past-life karmas. We are not able to anticipate such things since we are no more aware of our past-life karmas.

If we would have been aware of our past-life karmas even such things should not have come to us as a surprise.

They coined the term “Prarabdha” for the things that have to happen in our life by virtue of our past-life karmas.

Since we can’t change our past-life karmas — we can’t change our “Prarabdha” also since our “Prarabdha” depends on our past-life karmas only.

This way, they managed to explain why nobody can change what has to happen in our life according to our “Prarabdha”.

They also propounded that what has to happen in our life according to our “Prarabdha” shall happen in our life, anyway.

They proclaimed that we shall always get what we are supposed to get in our life according to our “Prarabdha”, that is, nobody can check us from getting what we are supposed to get in our life.

Now, a question arises what sort of mechanism should be in place to ensure that we get what we are supposed to get in our life according to our “Prarabdha”?

An answer to the question what sort of mechanism should be in place to ensure that we get what we are supposed to get in our life according to our “Prarabdha

According to our Vedic ancestors, when we die — our soul picks up the details of the karmas performed by us and starts matching “A” — what is supposed to happen in the life of the person who gets born on various dates at various places according to the astrology and “B” — what is supposed to happen in someone’s life according to his past-life karmas and waits for its reincarnation until “A” and “B” match each other.

And would you like to know why we don’t know what system is in place to prepare a schedule known as our “Prarabdha”?

The reason why we don’t know what system is in place to prepare a schedule known as our “Prarabdha

So far as I think, our soul should be asking us when we die, “Just tell me buddy, do you think — you have been able to do what you wanted to do in your life?”

When the soul bids adieu

Naturally, our answer would be either “in affirmative” or “in negative”.

If it may be in negative; the soul may be telling us, “Never mind — you shall be getting one more chance to do what you couldn’t do during your life this time, when you get reborn.”

So, our negative answer paves the way to our rebirth.

And this process of recycling continues till we did not come out with an answer, “Yes, dear soul — I could do everything I wanted to do in my life.”

If our answer is in affirmative — our soul does not get reincarnated anymore.

It goes and unites with what is known as the “Supreme Soul” — the “Param-atma”, that is “God”, where the word “Param” signifies “Supreme” and the word “Atma” signifies “Soul”.

The soul that unites with God, could have told us what it should have come to know about the system in place if it should have reincarnated.

But the fact is — when it unites with God, though it comes to know what system is in place since it does not get reincarnated after getting united with God; it never returns to the earth to tell us what it should have learnt about the system that determines our “Prarabdha”.

I hope it explains, why we neither know — what system is in place nor may we ever come to know how the souls decide what should be our prarabdha.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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