The reason why we should also do something for the better of the people in our life

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
7 min readMay 3, 2020


Just look at the dedication with which Dr Sarah Gilbert is working day and night on developing the vaccine ChAdOx1nCoV-19 for SARC-CoV-2.

She is spending all her energy on this project only because she knows it is the need of the hour.

She knows if we have a vaccine in hand, it would save the life of all who are getting infected with COVID-19.

But there are others, who are most eagerly waiting for the day when it gets approved by FDA as a vaccine of COVID-19 only because the day FDA approves it they shall be able to market it worldwide and make money out of it.

You would be surprised to know that this very idea gives me great relief whenever I get stirred up by the idea why none of the books I wrote, performed well at the book-stands even though I wrote these books with an intention that these books shall benefit the people who would read them.

Do you think it was a waste of time on my behalf to have written these books because the books did not find a good market?

It does not befuddle me anymore because I know why the books did not sell.

The books did not sell only because I did not care to put them in any book-fare to exhibit them to the public — despite all the goodies they had.

I realised it is not how useful are the contents of the books, that makes them sell.

For the heck of it — let me tell you, what is so precious about these books though they ended up in a sad whimper.

If I told about my first book “Productivity Management: Concepts and Techniques” which was published by Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi in the year 1991 — it did not attract any buyers even though it was, perhaps, the very first book ever written by anyone on this topic.

Though it did not get me any dividends, I still prize it for having told about a method of calculating “Productivity Indices” better than what is known as “Weighted Arithmetic Mean Index” in Industrial Engineering.

I told about a method of calculating Productivity Indices using the concept of “Geometric Mean Index” in this book.

Till date, we calculate a Weighted Arithmetic Mean Index “I” from various Indexes “I1, I2, I3 …, In” by assigning weight-age factors “w1, w2, w3 …, wn” to them, in the following manner.

I = (I1.w1 + I2.w2 + I3.w3 + … + In.wn) / n

Where w1 +w2 + w3+ … + wn = 1.0

Only the people who may have calculated an Index in this manner would know — We can very easily manipulate the value of the Index “I” by fiddling with the weight-age factors.

Change the values of the weight-age factors and you arrive at a different value of “I”.

But that is not the case with the “Geometric Mean Method, as has been explained by me on page 30 of the book.

We calculate it, as follows.

I = n √ (I1 . I2 . I3 … In),

The value of “I” always remains the same since the weight-age factors have to be assigned in a manner that “n √ (w1 x w2 x w3 x …. x wn)” is “1.0”.

The best part of “Geometric Mean Index” is — we don’t have to even assign any weight-age factors for it, as in the case of “Weighted Arithmetic Mean Index”.

A word about the high contents of the second book

My second book bore the title, “Taking a Lesson from the Mistakes of Others” which had been published by University Science Press, New Delhi in the year 2012.

In this book, I had targeted young professionals who take up their first assignment in the field after completing their studies by covering as many as 35 different types of mistakes in the book they did not commit in their life. But the book drew a blank despite being a very useful book for them.

A word about what makes me feel proud about my third book

My third book “Existence of God” was published by Partridge India in the year 2016.

This book also did not make a bang even though I have dwelt upon something that hardly occurs to anyone.

It is about the quantity of the sun rays that do not fall on any of the planets of the Sun.

It is as high as more than 99.99 per cent of the sun rays emitted by the Sun as depicted in the following diagram (pp 23).

Doesn’t it look like a very poor show?

But our agony melts away the moment we think — how dreary the sky would have looked if we couldn’t have seen any stars over there.

We wouldn’t have been able to see any of them in the sky if this bulk of the sun rays emitted by all the Suns of the universe would not have been escaping the same way as the rays of our Sun escape into the universe.

And lastly what I think about my fourth book

My fourth book, “The Mathematics of Uncertainties” was published by Notion Press, Chennai and had got published during the same year as the third book.

I created the awareness of the reasons why we should not get deterred by the uncertainties of our life through this book, which covers several different types of uncertainties.

Though the books gave me a knee-jerk; the following meme of Sidney Sheldon kept on goading my mind all the time.

So I kept on writing for The Minds Journal and the

And do you think I wasted my time writing for them?

No, if I told you about some of the things I wrote about on these media.

A leaf from the article written by me on May 4, 2018, for “The Minds Journal”

In this article I wrote about how the gap between the length of the Tropical Year and the Gregorian Year can be further curtailed from swaggering “0.00031 day per year” to a tad “0.00019 day per year” by making the years divisible by 2000 also “Non-leap years”. [1]

A leaf from the article written by me on October 1, 2019, on

Until now, we have used the Cartesian System of X-Y-Z coordinates of a point to show one of the coordinates along X-axis, another coordinate along the Y-axis and the third coordinate along the Z-axis.

I explained how we may show an almost unlimited number of coordinates using the same system by making use of two more branches of each axis (say, XY axis and XZ axes branching out of the X-axis and the YX and YZ axes branching out of the Y-axis and so on as shown in the following diagram.[2]

For instance, if we show the year along the X-axis, the month along the Y-axis and the date along the Z-axis, we may show the hours along the XZ-axis, the minutes along the XZX-axis and the seconds along the XZXY-axis, which is altogether a new concept.

Likewise, I started answering the questions raised by people on

Here is the answer given by me to the query, “Does the 4th spatial dimension actually exist?” on April 30, 2020. [3]

The answer given by me for the question on the existence of the 4th Spatial Dimension

In my answer to this query, I have dispelled the doubt about the existence of 4th dimension and above in a unique way by taking the example of the rotation of the Earth around its axis, its revolution around the Sun, the movement of the Sun toward Lambda Herculis, the revolution of the Sun around the centre of the galaxy and the up-heaving and the down-heaving of the Sun above and below the galactic plane in the way expounded by me in my answer to the query on the 4th Spatial Dimension on

So, finally, I may say — I have no regrets even if my books did not make me much business.

It is not only the business that matters.

It is the intent with which you work in your life that matters the most.

Whenever I look back at my works — I take a deep sigh of relief that I did not waste my life.

What matters in the life is what you feel — whether you wasted your life by living the life just for yourself and for your family or you gave something back to the universe also, in your life?







Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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