The special qualities that dawn upon us if we lead a holistic life

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
5 min readJul 25, 2022


What I mean by “holistic life” is a life that may feature the following pattern of life.

i) Not to think of harming anyone.

ii) To help everyone who may need some help.

iii) To never speak a lie.

iv) To eat only vegetarian food.

v) To lead a selfless life.

vi) To do not play any mischief.

vii) To lead a chaste life.

This type of life is known as “Satvik Life” in Hindi.

There are two ways of ruling the hearts of people — by loving them or by terrorising them.

It depends on us, what we opt for — to win the hearts of people by loving them or by terrorising them.

If we talk of religions — all religions don’t exhort us to lead a “Satvik Life”.

Because we have entered into an age in which it is a common notion that though there are many things the money can’t buy, it is better to have enough money because if we have enough money it enables us to buy practically anything we need to lead a luxurious life — we don’t consider it necessary to lead a virtuous life which is characterised by excessive piousness and excessive moralistic outlook, anymore.

Though not everyone — by and large most of the elderly people used to lead “Satvik Life” in India.

It was due to this reason only why people used to bow down and touch the feet of their elders who, in turn, used to stretch their palm over the heads of the people who used to touch their feet and utter the words “May you not have any problem in your life”, in their mind to bless them.

If anyone wished for something while touching the feet of some saints, they used to utter the word “Tathastu” which is a Hindi word that connotes “Amen!

And do you know what used to happen when they used to bless the people who used to touch the feet of their elders or some saints in this manner?

When they used to utter “May you not have any problem in your life” or “Tathastu” — some type of energy used to flow out of their palms, into the heads of the people who used to seek their blessings in the following manner.

The fact is, we not only acquire the power of blessing others in such a manner — how much power of this type we acquire is directly proportional to the length of the period for which we should have led the type of life typified by the word “Satvik Life”.

But is it not true that ever since Hindus have started mimicking the Western lifestyle — people have not only stopped the practice of touching the feet of their elders, even no energy flows out of the palms of their elders either because hardly anyone of them leads what is known as “Satvik Life”.

Very soon, a time shall come when we shall not even believe that some Hindu saints used to acquire such power to such an extent that whatever they may say shall become true.

In Hindi, the sentences uttered by such persons are called “Brahma Vakyas”, which when translated into English, implies “The sentences spoken by “Brahma” — the God who is believed to have created the world”.

In this context, it would not be out of place if I tell how I came to know about the use of the words “Tathastu” and “Brahma Vakyas” during the ancient times in India.

How I came to know about the use of the words “Tathastu” and “Brahma Vakyas”

When I was still a child, whenever I used to visit the brothers of my mother during summer holidays — I used to spend a lot of my time reading the magazine “Kalyan” which used to be published in Gorakhpur by “Gita Press” and contained the articles picked up from various Hindu scriptures.

It was during those days when I came to know whenever anybody expressed his wish to any saint; he used to utter the word “Tathastu”.

It was not that he only used to utter this word — all such wishes used to also get fulfilled. In other words, such saints had acquired such power that if they uttered the word “Tathastu”, it could be taken for granted that nobody could have prevented such wishes from getting fulfilled.

As we know, they used to acquire such power only by leading a life that is known as “Satvik Life”.

The extent to which the blessings given by the elderly persons in this manner may get fulfilled depends on the keenness with which they may have discharged the responsibilities of their life and what sort of life they may have led.

For instance, the blessings given by the persons who may have been performing the ritual known as “Havan” among the Hindu families — fare better than the blessings given by the persons who may have led an unworthy life.

So much so — since most of the people have stopped taking part in anything such as “Havan” and have started leading a debauched life instead of leading a “Satvik Life”, the blessings given by them turn out to be just a sham.

Just because the blessings given by them, nowadays, turn out to be a sham, even the children of the new generation have stopped paying obeisance to their parents by touching their feet these days!

The habit of seeking blessings of the parents and even all elderly persons used to form a part of the “Hindu Sacraments” — known as “Hindu Sanskars”.

But, by and by, the children of the new generation have stopped following such “Sanskars” since they are not taught anything about the value of such Sanskars ever since it has been proscribed to teach them anything about the “Hindu Sanskars” in the schools.

Of course, such persons do not exist anymore because we do not even try to lead the type of life one is supposed to lead to acquire such power.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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