The way how we may use the technique used to prove mathematical theorems to steamroll our doubts
In our life we, very often, come across certain such situations that appear to be too tempting to refuse but later on we find — we had been deceived.
Such situations arise only because we don’t know what is hidden behind them.
A typical example is that of the feature “What the stars foretell” that appears in various newspapers as well in many periodicals regularly which claims to tell you based on your zodiac sign what sort of phase of life you are passing through.
We think, it may be innocuous only because we don’t know how to find out the truth.
You shall be taken by surprise if I told you that you may use the same hackneyed technique we had been taught in the schooldays to prove various geometrical theorems such as Pythagoras Theorem.
This technique calls for, first, assuming something and then proving a theorem by arguing — whether we made a correct assumption or a wrong assumption.
After having learnt how to prove this theorem, did we ever doubt whether this theorem could be wrong?
Who would excuse us if we don’t use the same technique for overcoming our all doubts, in our daily life as well?
We don’t use this technique only because we are not fully aware of the manner in which we could use this technique in our daily life to stamp out our doubts.
I shall show you, how we may overcome the doubt whether it is true that “What may happen in our life can be predicted based on our zodiac sign”, using the same technique that we used to prove the Pythagoras Theorem or so many of other mathematical theorems.
Step by step — let us, first, prove whether zodiac sign covers the role covered by our “Place of Birth”.
The role covered by our “Place of Birth”
The role covered by our Place of Birth (POB) can be best understood through the following diagram.
According to astrology, what may happen in our life depends on — which planets share which House at the time of occurrence of an incident which, in turn, depends on the Houses various planets should have occupied at our “Time of Birth”.
Though the “Date of Birth” tells us what may be our Zodiac Sign — only our “Place of Birth” tells us which Houses may be occupied by which planets, as shown in this diagram.
So, we draw a conclusion that Zodiac Sign does not cover the role played by our “Place of Birth”.
The same way, we can also find out whether Zodiac Sign covers the role covered by our “Time of Birth”, or not.
Just look at the following diagram.
This diagram clearly shows that the same planet may occupy different Houses in case of the people having the same Zodiac Sign.
Though all people born between 20th March and 19th April belong to same Zodiac (Aeries, based on the Twelve Zodiacs Concept) — since the average orbital time of moon is approximately 29.53 days, it stays in each House for 29.53/12 days, that is, for “2 days and 11 hours”.
So, if some people are born more than 2 days and 11 hours apart, the moon would occupy a different House in their Natal Chart, as shown in this diagram even though, all of them have same Zodiac Sign.
What is true of the moon; is true for all other planets that stay for less than one month in each House.
For instance, the Venus stays for 18 days and 18 hours in each House; the Mercury stays for 7 days and 8 hours in each House — the Sun stays only for two hours in each House.
So, it absolves any doubt we should have had about whether Zodiac Sign covers the role played by our “Time of Birth” or not.
Now, once we have established that the Zodiac Sign covers neither the role played by our “Place of Birth” nor the role played by our “Time of Birth” — we are left with no doubt about the fact that it is just a vanity to think that we should even have a look at the feature, “What the Stars Foretell”, shown below that attracts us so much.
Even otherwise, the present population of the Earth has been pegged at 7.7 billion.
Based on this figure, we may say — on an average, there have to be around 7.7/12, that is, about 640 million people belonging to each Zodiac Sign (taking twelve zodiacs on the count).
Is it not a fact that even no two twins, pretty often, turn out to do not lead an identical life despite having born, not only, the same day and at more or less the same time but, even at the same place?
So, nothing can be more preposterous than to admit that as many as 640 million people having the same Zodiac Sign may ever have anything in common — as is portrayed in the feature under reference.
I hope now, you know how we may resolve our all doubts in this manner once forever.
Of course, we have covered, thus far, only one aspect of astrology.
Now, think — whether astrology even ensures that each and every person living on the Earth can be uniquely identified through his/her Date of Birth (DOB), Place of Birth (POB) and his/her Time of Birth (TOB) or not.
Can each and every person living on the Earth be uniquely identified through his/her DOB, POB and TOB?
I won’t say — entire efforts put in astrology, have got completely washed out into the drain. As for the question, whether we can uniquely identify each and every person born on the Earth or not, we know 250 children get born per minute all over the world.
If we may call the space “1° longitude wide and 1° North or South latitude high” of the Earth surface a “pocket” — we get a figure of as many as 64,800 such pockets by multiplying 360 longitudes with 180 latitudes.
Due to a vast expanse of Earth covered by water bodies, only 30 per cent of these pockets are covered by the land-portion of the Earth’s surface and due to the desserts and forests as well as glaciers and the icy north and south poles — only half of such pockets fall within the habitable range.
Though we are left with only 9720 habitable pockets, this way — we know 9720 is far in excess of the birth-rate figure 250.
The wide gap between 9720 and 250, assures us that we can identify each and every individual by assigning a Unique ID to each new-born in term of the “Place of Birth (the Pocket, in which he/she should have born)” and his/her “Date and the Time of Birth”.
But it is also true that even the twins and the triplets don’t lead 100 per cent ditto life even though they are born of the same parents, are born at the same place and, more or less, even at the same time.
So, we have a reason to believe that something is grossly amiss in astrology.
Though we may absorb the argument that even the twins and the triplets are not born at the “same time” but what about the children born to “different mothers” at the same time in different Labour Rooms or different OTs of some big hospital?
Astrology fails to give any tangible answer to it.
But it gives us an inkling that there has to be something that does not meet our eye.
So, let us look at — what may be that “Something”?
Finding out what may be amiss in astrology
When we think of what may be amiss; it takes us to a new horizon — the horizon of reincarnation and souls.
Actually, our corpus does not inherit only the genes of our parents.
It, as much, inherits even the karmas that wouldn’t have got squared up when the person whose soul we should have inherited must have been, yet, alive — when his (or her) soul should have got incarnated in our body.
If we wriggle inside our mind a bit — it comes to the fore that we should make a provision of the ID of the person whose soul may have been tagged to our body also, as a part of the UAID.
Though, the Indian astrologers believe that the same way as the Date and the Time of Birth depends on the Date of Conception — which soul gets associated with us, depends on the “un-squared karmas” of the person whose soul gets tagged to us.
But, undeniably, it is quite a contentious issue — by far.
If we ever thought of treating the Date of Death, the Time of Death and the Place of Death as the ID of the person whose soul may have been tagged to us; the fact is — we can’t determine the parameters Date of Death, the Time of Death and the Place of Death of such a person, ever.
So, we have no choice except to make a compromise with what we have in the name of astrology — to have a sound sleep.