Things of the past that have got completely washed out of our memory
Certain mysteries have remained unresolved since ages, which we have not been able to resolve until now — despite our best efforts.
Some of such mysteries, I have on my mind, are:
The mysteries that happen to be as old as 9000 years
M1: How anyone could have built a 3.3 kilometres wide and 35 kilometres long bridge over a sea such as Adams Bridge?
M2: How anyone (in this case, Hanuman) could have flown in the sky — to cover a distance of about 3000 kilometres from Sri Lanka to the Himalayas in just 4 or 5 hours?
The mystery that is as old as 6000 years
M3: How the Egyptians could have hauled as many as 2.3 million stone blocks each of them weighing about 2.3 tonnes to have built the Big Pyramid of Giza?
The mystery that is as old as 8th Century
M4: How it could have been possible to have built the monolithic Kailash Temple of Ellora from the top downwards from a single piece of solid rock in 760 AD?
We would have rubbished the possibilities of building the Adams Bridge, the pyramids and the Kailash Temple if these monuments would have not survived; the same way as we rubbish the possibility of anybody to have been able to fly over the Earth in the manner Hanuman is said to have flown from Sri Lanka (which was known as Lanka in the past), as depicted in the following picture.
So much so — many people believe that the whole biography of Rama should have been just a piece of mythology only even though it was not at all a piece of mythology since if it would have been a piece of mythology it would not have been possible to have the details of the full lineage of Rama, which is reproduced below.
So, we can’t deny that he should have fetched the lifesaving drug “Sanjivani” to have saved the brother of Rama who had become unconscious when he had been attacked by Indrajit while fighting with him.
We would have denied only if his brother would have died in Lanka but the fact that he did not die — proves that Hanuman should have been able to bring this herb from the mount Dronagiri.
The fact is — whenever anybody acquired any such uncommon skills in the past; they did not use to pass on such knowledge with the fear that if they ever revealed such technique to others they stood every chance of not being able to use such techniques even themselves.
Do you doubt it?
Even I know of a recent case of this nature.
I know of a Vaid (Ayurvedic Doctor) of Dehradun, who used to prepare a medicine “Meetha Phal” that, if taken during the third trimester by a woman, could have changed the sex of the foetus from female to male but his children are not able to prepare it since he did not tell them, the exact technique of preparing it.
This may have been the reason why the Egyptians who built the pyramids should have kept the technique used by them a secret from others.
Or, maybe, people should have forgotten the technique with the passage of time.
However, let us look at the plight of Hanuman, instead of pushing it under the carpet.
I have on my radar, following two possibilities.
The first possibility
It makes no difference — what aerodynamics tells us.
We are not able to fly in the air only because we do not know how he should have managed to fly in the air.
Just have a close look at the following chart.
According to it — about 27% of the universe is made up of dark matter and about 68% of it is made up of Dark Energy.
According to the epic — Hanuman had used “Divine Energy” which may be the same as “Dark Energy” — since it is also as all-pervading just like “Divine Energy”.
It is quite possible that Hanuman should have known — how to make the best use of the “Dark Energy” to fly.
The second possibility
It is not necessary that only the way, we do something may be the only way of doing it.
For instance, if we can cross a river on a motorboat; we can cross it by swimming also all across it.
Or let us remind ourselves that until we had not developed the technology of manufacturing components of various appliances through “Additive Manufacturing” all engineers thought that there was no other way of manufacturing a component except by the conventional methods of manufacturing them on a lathe, a milling machine or, say, on a forging machine, isn’t?
But — not, anymore, isn’t?
The same way, we may say that it is not necessary that if we can fly in the air only by boarding a plane; that should be the only method of flying in the air.
We don’t know even how anybody could have built a bridge as wide as 3.3 km and as long as 35 km long over the sea more than 9000 years back such as Adams Bridge that connected the Indian peninsula and Sri Lanka which was very much in use until 15th century which our engineers may not be able to make even today.
But we have no other way but to trust our eyes since we can not only see its remnants submerged under the sea — people have been actually, using it until 15th century.
The sad part of it is — as we know, the Brits had imposed a ban on all Gurukuls (Vedic Schools) to teach anything in Sanskrit in India, during their times.
So, lot of things got wiped out from the memory of most of the Sanskrit scholars to the extent that even they started doubting whether there would have been any truth about the things mentioned in various epics.
Of course, we can’t rule out the possibility of having been guided by some aliens.
Just look at the following picture of a wall-carving, picked up from the Hoysaleswara Temple (of Karnataka) [1] — which had been constructed during the 12th century.
This wall-carving shows some people wearing something looking like a Space Jacket, which gives us a hint that some people should have been coming from some other universe on the Indian subcontinent, in the past.
There is a reference of the existence of several universes even before our universe should have come into existence, in some of the scriptures.
So, we may believe that some of the people of the other parallel universe, such as the mirror image of our solar system that has been recently discovered [2], may have been much more advanced in engineering than even the present-day engineers of the Earth — who may find it difficult to build such a bridge as Adams Bridge, the pyramids or a temple such as Kailash Temple of Maharashtra, even today.