Understanding the Theory of Karmas as an extension of Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Actually, there is not much difference in Newton’s third law of motion and the theory of karmas.
In term of karmas, the third law of motion would have to be spelt out as — “Every action results in an equal and opposite reflex action, known as a reaction.”
Much the same way, the theory of karmas may be defined as — “Every karma results in a reflex karma” with the only difference that in case of Newton’s law, the reflex action is generated instantly but in case of karmas, the reflex karma is generated in the form of a seed sown in the bowel of time which takes its own time to, first, sprout, grow into a sapling, then grow into a plant big enough to yield its fruits.
Not only the fruits don’t grow up instantly; we also do not know how long it may take the seed to grow into a plant big enough to yield its fruits to us.
Sometimes, a seed-karma may grow up into a plant to yield its fruits during the lifetime of the person who may have sown the seed-karma, itself. But, if it outlasts their life span — the fruits are delivered to them in their next life in the following manner.
According to this theory, our all un-sprouted karmas get uploaded on our website on the Celestial Internet (akin to our internet) when we die and are carried forward just like the book-balances of accounts.
Once, they get uploaded — the Operating System of the Celestial Internet starts matching “A” (what should happen in our life according to the uploaded karmas) and “B” (what should happen in the life of the people depending on the Relative Location of Various Planets (RLOVP) due to get born on any particular Date of Birth (DOB), at any particular Time of Birth (TOB) and at any particular Place of Birth (POB), using what we may call “Celestial Astrology”).
The moment, a balance is struck, it downloads the un-sprouted past-life karmas into the corpus of the foetus of the person going to get born at such DOB, such TOB and such POB.
Well, that not only explains how the theory of karmas should be working, it also explains that
(a) We can’t expect the Operating System of the Celestial Internet to have acquainted itself with any specific version of astrology we humans have developed (say, the Western Astrology, the Oriental Astrology or the Chinese Astrology).
(b) All versions of astrology (that work on the concept of RLOVPs depending on various DOBs, TOBs and POBs) may, at the best, tell us only what may happen in anyone’s life based on only his or her un-sprouted past-life karmas only — not each and everything that may happen in their life; much contrary to our belief that we could know everything about our whole life through astrology.
It is so amusing how the following logistics also fully supports the (b) part, narrated above.
Logistics that supports the (b) part
It is only an illusion that astrology could tell us all about what was going to happen in our life, as explained below.
(i) Is it not true that the relative position various planets may occupy on any date (the very precept on which various versions of astrology stem) based on our DOB, TOB and POB is not in our hands since they shall occupy a position strictly as per their orbital times?
(ii) Is it also not true that what sort of karmas may have been downloaded in our foetus was also not in our hands?
(iii) Is it also not true that what may be the pay-off of what types of karmas and when; is also not in our hands?
It brings us around to believe that astrology may tell us only about such things that are not in our hands — by no means, even the things that depend on our own volitions.
If we may quantify the ratio of the “things that are not in our hands” and the “things that are in our hands”; we can even tell what percentage of all the things that happen in our lives are probably covered by the astrology, in the following manner.
Suppose, you are thirty years old — just count the things that should have happened in your life thus far which may have not been in your hands as “X” and the things that should have happened in your life thus far which may have been in your hands as “Y”.
Astrology could, at the best, tell you only about X/(X + Y) times hundred per cent of the things related to your life — not each and everything, by any means.
Of course, we have to know — what is exactly meant by karmas.
We can understand the meaning of karmas the best through the story of Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st president of the United States, narrated below.
The story related to Herbert Clark — that explains the true meaning of karmas
Herbert Clark, as we know — had become an orphan at an early age of nine.
So much so, he did not have money to pay his fees at Stanford University, in 1892.
He, nonetheless, came up with a bright idea teaming with one of his friends to host a musical concert on campus to raise money for their fees.
They reached out to the great pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski of the time and his manager demanded a guaranteed fee of $2000 for the piano recital.
A deal was struck and the boys began to work to make the concert a success.
The big day arrived but, unfortunately, they could collect only $1600 by selling tickets. Disappointed, they went to Paderewski and explained their plight.
They gave him the entire $1600 along with a cheque for the balance $400 and promised to honour the cheque at the soonest possible but Paderewski tore the cheque and returned the $1600 and told them: “Here’s the $1600. Please deduct whatever expenses you have incurred. Keep the money you need for your fees and just give me whatever is left.”
The boys thanked him for such a gesture despite his not even knowing who they were.
We all come across such situations at some time or another in our life but only think, “If I help them, what would happen to me?” But Paderewski was made of a different mettle. He thought, “If I don’t help them, what would happen to them”, without ever thinking about anything to get in return.
Paderewski, later, went on to become the Prime Minister of Poland. Though he was a great leader, the World War ravaged his country which left more than 1.5 millions of Poles on the verge of starvation with no money in the coffers to feed them.
So, he reached out to the US Food and Relief Administration for help. He heard there was a man called Herbert Hoover, who agreed to help out and had quickly shipped tonnes of food grains to feed the starving Polish people to avert the calamity.
Enamoured by such a gesture, Paderewski decided to go across to meet Hoover and, personally, thank him.
When Paderewski began to thank him for his noble gesture, Hoover interjected and said, “You shouldn’t be thanking me, Mr Prime Minister. You may not remember this but several years ago, you helped two young students go through college. I was one of them.”
I remember even my father had helped many students in their life who ran into such problems even though he was, himself, a man of very ordinary means.
What strikes the most in this story is the fact that it tells us — what is meant by karmas.
Obviously, karmas relate to only such of the things we do to help someone without any expectation.
If we help someone with an ulterior motive of getting some benefit later on — it is not karma.
It is a business.
Whenever we help anybody without any ulterior motive behind rendering such help; it is not necessary that we get rewarded for all such karmas during current life (as happened in the case of Hoover and Paderewski).
Some of them get even carried forward.
Whatever comes in our life as a surprise; does not come ex nihilo.
Such surprises are borne out of the pay-offs of the good karmas that should have gone unrewarded during our past life.