We should not be under an impression that everything can be predicted correctly through astrology

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
6 min readFeb 3, 2020


The only difference in the cosmic clock and the clock we have in our room is, though we have only three needles (the hours-needle, the minutes-needle and the seconds-needle) in the clock we have in our room; we have as many as nine needles — a needle corresponding to the sun, a needle corresponding to the moon, a needle corresponding to, say, Mercury, Mars or Venus and so on in the cosmic clock.

So, in a way, we can measure time on either of the clocks — since both of them are, more or less a replica of each other.

It is this resemblance of both clocks that should have led man to think that what we do as per the clock (we have in our room) and what we do as per the position various planets have across the ecliptic — are intertwined to each other.

All that it calls for was to have studied — “to what extent” and “in which manner”.

For instance, let us examine to what extent and in which manner they are intertwined in respect of the following premises.

The premise that what may happen in our life depends on our zodiac sign

Let us see — to what extent we may substantiate this premise.

We can very well understand it through the following illustration.

Just assume that a group of twelve people, all of whom have a different zodiac sign, hire a boat to cross a river but, due to some odd circumstances, the boat capsizes midstream and all of them lose their life.

Though one or two of them who may have been good at swimming could have survived. But who may know swimming does not depend on one’s zodiac sign.

So we may say — this premise wears a very thin wafer.

The premise that what may happen in our life depends on which planets occupy which houses (as per astrological terminology)

We can understand whether this premise holds any substance or not — through the following illustration.

Just assume that it should have been observed that in the past, most of the time, women whose zodiac sign may have been “Taurus” had been molested by some hoodlums if various houses should have been occupied by such planets as are shown in the following diagram.

Cosmic Clock

According to this premise — it is presumed that if the zodiac sign of any woman may be “Taurus”, we can predict that she shall be also molested by some goons on such dates on which various houses may be occupied by these very planets.

This is one of the theme premise based on which astrologers predict what may happen in the life of anyone.

But the fact is — whether a woman may or may not get molested depends on how high may have been the percentile of the observations corresponding to molestation. For instance, supposing they found that if some woman’s zodiac sign is, say, “Taurus”, she would be molested by some hooligans on the day such planets may be occupying these houses in 15 per cent cases, we have to rest assured that any prediction made based on such records does not have the probability of being correct more than 0.15.

The premise that if something should have been happening in the past, we may take it for granted that it shall keep on happening even in the 21st century

It can’t be denied that what may happen in our life depends very much on the social environment in which we live not simply on the geographical latitude and the longitude of the place where we live and as we know our lifestyle has undergone a sea change over the past three or four millenniums.

Since astrology had been developed three or four millenniums back — it is too orthodox to think that what should have been happening when various houses may have been occupied by certain planets three or four millenniums back should happen even today as may have been happening in the past.

But let us have a look at the premise that we may rely upon on-line astrological websites.

A look at the extent to which we may rely upon the On-line Astrological Websites

Only such people may rely on the on-line web sites who are aware of the correct date and correct time of their birth as well as correct latitude and correct longitude of the place of their birth but, no way, the people who may not be aware of the correct date and correct time of their birth as well as correct latitude and correct longitude of the place of their birth.

Here is a case of a prediction made by a local astrologer of Lucknow (my home town) for one of my close associates even though he was not aware of the correct year of his birth, correct time of birth and the correct latitude and the correct longitude of the place of his birth but was not aware of the correct date of his birth.

Even I get simply dumbfound that it should have been at all possible for any astrologer as he could have predicted.

It so happened that about three decades back, this astrologer had told him that there was no scope of his having any sexual engagement with his wife any more in his life.

My friend simply laughed at him and thought — he must have gone mad or, perhaps, he may be simply joking.

But it was not until he discovered that things had started taking a turn from bad to worse step by step till not only he stopped seeking sexual favour from his wife even his wife stopped seeking any sexual favour from him.

The astrologer did not mince words when he told him point-blank what awaited him in his life.

Obviously, even though above premises seem to be sham — it stands as a testimony that correct predictions can be made even if we may not know correct date of our birth while, as we know — no online astrological website can tell you anything about what is going to happen in your life unless you know correct date of your birth.

Since I could not suppress my curiosity, I had visited this astrologer a few years back to enquire — how does astrology let him make so accurate predictions when he told me that

(i) If we don’t know the exact date of birth it is not impossible to make any predictions. Much the same way as we can do “Reverse Image Search” on Google, we can work based on even any other date such as the date when he should have got married or the date when his wife should have born or the dates on which any of his off-springs should have born. In this case, my friend had told him the date of his marriage.

(ii) While we may use the archaic astrology to find out what is in the offing, we can always cross-check whether it tallies with what could be found through what is known as “Prashna Jyotish” in Vedic Astrology (which works based on the date and the time of the rendezvous of the astrologer and the person in any context). He told that we should believe only such predictions to be true which match what can be predicted through “Prashna Jyotish”. To the best of my knowledge — no website caters to “Prashna Jyotish”.

(iii) Though nobody knows anything about the profile of his past-life karmas but astrology tells what type of life he may have to lead since the date of birth is based on his past-life karmas and astrology tells us what has to happen in someone’s life based on his date of birth. So, it is a wrong notion that everything that may happen in our life can be predicted through astrology. The things that do not happen in our life by virtue of the past-life karmas are not dealt with by astrology.

Actually, the people who make hue and cry over the fact that we do not get correct results, raise hue and cry only because they are not aware that astrology can make only incorrect predictions for the things that do not depend on our past-life karmas — much the same way as the sinking of the people of different zodiac signs, who sank into the river was not something that should have happened due to their past-life karmas.



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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