Who have a better outlook — the mathematicians or the scientists?

Subhash Chandra Sawhney
6 min readSep 20, 2019


Though I don’t have to share what else I admire in my life but, for sure, I admire the outlook of the mathematicians, right since my childhood.

The outlook of the mathematicians is simply upbeat.

Let us have a look at the outlook of the mathematicians.

The outlook of the mathematicians

As we know — the year 1545 was a turnaround year for the mathematicians when Girolamo Cardano (1501–76) dispelled their apprehension whether the square roots of the negative numbers should be treated as something “imaginary” or real through his discovery that the values “5 + √(-15)” and “5 — √(-15)” fully satisfy the equation x² — 10x + 40 = 0.

Since both “5 + √(-15)” and “5 — √(-15)” comprise the square roots of “-15”, it proved that it did not make any sense to have any doubt whether we should continue to think whether negative numbers have imaginary roots or real roots.

Just have a look at the way, how readily they adopted the square roots of the negative numbers by making them a part of the number-system, calling the new system — “A system of complex numbers”.

They simply started calling the roots of the negative numbers “ib-part” of the complex numbers designating the complex numbers as “a ± ib”, by prefixing an “iota sign” to b.

Now, look at the outlook of the scientists.

The outlook of the scientists

As we know, the scientists have yet to adopt the things such as consciousness and memory or the souls as a part of the mainstream science though they have allotted them a new division of science — known as “Cognitive Science”.

Such things also enjoy the same status in science as the ib-parts of the complex numbers enjoy in mathematics.

But the scientists have preferred to keep such things out of the door.

It would have been alright to have kept the fictitious things such as “superstitions” out of doors but not the things such as consciousness and memory or the souls.

Do you doubt consciousness and memory may be fictitious things?

They aren’t fictitious.

True, we can’t measure consciousness and memory the way we can measure the wavelengths of the light waves or the gravitational constant.

But it is so surprising that they think that anything that does not let its parameters measured — should not qualify to enter their labs.

It is not that we can’t measure consciousness.

We can measure it in the form of percentages, as shown in the following diagram.

According to me, by now, they should have included things such as consciousness and memory within the fold of science the way the mathematicians have included the square roots of the negative numbers into the fold of mathematics.

Let us take the case of the brainwaves, for instance.

The scientists have categorised them as Theta waves, Delta waves, Alpha waves, Beta waves and Gamma waves depending on their frequencies because these waves let their frequencies be measured.

A question arises — why should they be so reluctant to accept things such as consciousness and memory as a part of the mainstream science?

The fact that compels us to make even the souls a valid part of the mainstream science

As we know while the plants need only one seed, the Homo sapiens need three seeds — “the male sperm”, the “female egg” and the “soul”.

Since a child acquires some select genes of not only the father, he also acquires some select genes of the mother; it explains the logic behind treating not only the “male sperm” as a seed but even the “female egg” as a seed of the Homo sapiens.

Of course, though we know what role the male sperm and the female egg play; the role played by the third seed the “soul” — requires some elucidation.

As we know — the plants, neither remember the location of the trees to which the seed from which they grew should have belonged nor the location of the groves from where they should have come from.

But in case of the Homo sapiens, the souls carry forward the information pertaining to the persons who may have sported them in the past.

They not only transfer the information such as their names, their occupation, the names of their spouses, the names of their siblings as well as the location of the houses where they may have been residing as they get seeded into our corpus; they also grant us “consciousness” and “memory” — and most probably, even “intelligence”.

The fact that we tend to describe the person whose soul gets grafted into us as “our self” in a manner such as, “I used to work in such and such organization during my past life”, “I had so many children in my past life” as though all such things should have happened not in someone else’s life; should have happened in our own past life — compels us to treat even the soul as one of the seeds.

Coming back to the brain waves — just think, “Should it not be possible to retrieve even the thoughts that account for the creation of any brainwaves the same way as we are able to trace back the link of the document in which certain image should have appeared through the “Reverse search procedure” on the web?

But are we able to retrieve the thoughts?

You know — we can’t.

But a question arises — why not?

We can again get a clue from the way the mathematicians bang around the unsolved riddles.

The manner in which the mathematicians bang around the unsolved riddles

Let us look at the centuries-old Diophantine riddle of finding the values of x, y and z for all values of k between 1 and 100, that satisfy the equation x³ + y³ + z³ = k, named after the ancient mathematician Diophantus of Alexandria, which was revisited in the 1950s.

Though it appears that the scientists may have raised their hands to develop the technique of backtracking the thoughts from the brainwaves — do you know that though the mathematicians could not find out the values of x, y and z for 33 and 42 for years; they did not give up hope till they did not find out the values of x, y and z for these numbers also?

You would be amused to know the values of x, y and z for 33 could not be found till April 2019 and the values of x, y and z for 42 could not be found till August 2019.

Your jaws may drop if I told you about the values of x, y and z for these numbers.

While the values of x, y and z for 33, are as staggering as

x = 8866128975287528

y = -8778405442862239

z = -2736111468807040,

the values of x, y and z for 42, are also as awesome as

x = -80538738812075974

y = 80435758145817515

z = 12602123297335631

Even Andrew Booker and Andrew Sutherland [1], who found out these values could have not been able to find the values of x, y and z if they, too, would have given up hope.

They had a gruelling time spending 7.5 million years of processing on the global network known as Charity Engine, which borrows the idle time of more than 100,000 home PCs around the globe.

The same way the scientists, too, should not give up hope.

If they, too, do not give up hope there is no reason why they, too, may not be able to develop the technique of converting the waveforms that appear on the screens of the EEG machines into audible voice not only in the tongue of the person to whom such brainwaves belong but even in any other tongue of our own choice — sooner or later.


[1] https://medium.com/extremetech-access/life-the-universe-and-math-42-proven-to-be-the-sum-of-3-cubes-947920f062b6



Subhash Chandra Sawhney
Subhash Chandra Sawhney

Written by Subhash Chandra Sawhney

A mechanical engineer, has an experience of about 30 years in the field of Management Information Systems. Lives in Lucknow, India. Has authored eight books.

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