Would China emerge as a Super Power of the world by having played the SARS-CoV-2 Card?
I have noticed that there is a remarkable difference in the theories of physics and the theories of theology.
For instance, take the case of the theory of special relativity that had been enunciated in the year 1905 by Albert Einstein. We know that his theory has withstood the test of time umpteen number of times.
But, unluckily, it is not so in case of some of the theological theories.
Take the case of the following theological theories which had been enunciated as long as more than 5000 years back but it is so interesting that we are still unsure — whether either of them has withstood the test of time or not.
The theories of theology I have in my mind
(i) The “Theory of Incarnation of God” that had been enunciated by Lord Krishna in the following words.
“Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharatah” which tells — “I shall incarnate myself whenever religion gets thrashed on the earth”.
(ii) The “Theory of Karmas” that tells us “We reap what we sow”.
Though both theories were enunciated about 5000 years back, we are still quite in the dark.
Take the case of the Theory of Incarnation.
Five thousand years is, by no means, a small period.
If he did not incarnate in 5000 years, a question arises — when is he going to incarnate?
When the wait-period is going to end?
Xi Jinping has brought the earth down on its knees by spreading a malware in the form of SARS-CoV-2.
The roads have become barren.
All hustle-bustle has disappeared from the face of the earth — just because of the fire of greed burning in the belly of Xi Jinping to take over the reins of the world economy in his hands.
With the GDP of America pitched at 20 trillion dollars; China is just a hop behind America with a GDP as high as 14 trillion dollars.
Should it not have crackled heckles of God by now?
It looks as if Corona Virus has turned the table upside down.
It has shattered all the faith people had been reposing on God.
The very belief that he shall come down to help his devotees if they faced any hurdles in their life seems to have fallen flat.
Release of the Corona Virus has already turned into a pandemic and, how amazing — we are still on the wait for him to incarnate.
The mosque at the Mecca has been shut down for the pilgrims.
The famous NYC’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine has been converted into a makeshift hospital for the treatment of Covid-19 patients, as you may see in the following image.
Even the Hindu shrines Vaishno Devi in Kalka, Jagannath temple of Puri and the Sri Venkateshwara Temple of Tirumala, which had never been closed down in the past — have been closed down as a safeguard, this year.
It is anybody’s guess — if they would have waited for the intervention of God, by now the number of casualties would have crossed the figure it has already notched.
Looking at the figure of lives saved by the doctors, we get an impression that, hereafter, we should repose our confidence more on the hospitals instead of reposing confidence on the prophets whom we have been worshipping until now.
Or should we say — time has taken a turn when we may shift our allegiance to other gods such as “Lord Dhanwantari” (the Hindu Lord of Medical Science) or the “Lord Vishwakarma” (the Hindu Lord of “Technology and Construction”)?
The spurt of Covid -19 has liquefied the faith of even the Muslims who believed very heavily on Allah more than anything else.
Would China be really able to become a Super Power by playing the card of the SARS-CoV-2 and letting so many of their people living in Wuhan — die?
No one knows.
Only time would tell — “Yes or No”.
Now — take the case of the other theory.
Story of the other theory
Though all of us are getting inputs on the disaster spelt out by Covid-19 in various countries; the best thing about it is — it has given us an opportunity to test this theory of theology.
If the dream of Xi Jinping gets fulfilled; it would debunk this theory.
“Spreading this virus” is nothing short of “sowing thorns”.
This theory shall get shattered if all countries do not unite to teach China a lesson for having ruined their economy and for having so many people having lost life for none of the faults of theirs and fail to downcast China instead of letting it turn into a Super Power of the world.
If China succeeds in its mission — it would shatter the belief of people in the doctrine “We reap what we sow”.
Of course, we can’t say that God should be dumb.
Perhaps, we do not know “What to pray” and “What not to pray”.
So let us see what we are supposed to pray and what we are not supposed to pray
We may pray to God to fortify and boost our self-confidence to such an extent that it may let us emerge as a winner in life, not a loser — instead of asking for any materialistic gains.
Supposing somebody has not been fair to us, we may curse him or her by muttering something like, “God, May he/she be punished for his/her foul play”.
Do you know — God may really punish him/her by creating such conditions that may convince you that your prayer did not fall on dumb ears?
But if you think that he may save your lungs from getting clogged by phlegm because of Covid-19 because you did not wear a mask or did not keep proper social distance from others or did not wash your hands with soap or did not sanitise yourself properly, I am sorry to tell you — he would simply laugh at you.
Would you like to know — Why?
Tell me — Have you ever seen anybody shaving his beard with a sword?
All we need is a “Gillette shaving stick” to shave our beard — not a sword.
The same way, to redress the effects of this virus, all we need is to look for a competent doctor to save us from its horrors — not God.
At the best, if you fall short of money when in a hospital, you could pray to God for help and he may even send someone in your help — by stirring up a thought in the mind of someone who may call on you with a cheque to make you feel comfortable.
Neither a doctor would become God nor would God become a doctor for you the same way as you can’t expect an engineer to do a doctor’s job or an engineer to do a doctor’s job.
Of course, if we believe in the “Theory of the Survival of the fittest”, we may say — by the time the sun turns into a “white dwarf”; only such religions shall survive that may be the fittest of all.